If your organisation needs to change, we provide a wide range of expertise, high experience and a 360° approach for:

  • Managing Complex Projects
  • Competing in Global Market
  • Performing well as Institutions and large Public Authorities
  • Focusing on Value Creation and Delivery
  • Becoming a leader within the ecosystem
  • Surfing the Transformation Waves
  • Building a Culture open to Evolution
  • Adopting Sustainability as a Beacon
  • Managing Output, Outcome and Impact
  • Growing on Innovation and Creativity
  • Exploring new ways of working
  • Partnering with all Stakeholders
  • Assessing your Organisation Maturity
  • Enabling people to make the difference
  • Enhancing cooperation and leadership at all level
  • Embedding Continuous Improvement in all Processes
  • Developing Technology Management

Closing the loop between Objectives and Results

Companions for your expedition into new territories

The Rogue Monkey Alliance is a group of international, independent and experienced change facilitators and systems advisors. We are united in the belief that successful transformation is based upon a vision, a process of co-creation, integration of stakeholders and context specific roadmapping and flexiblility to new insights. Transformation is not a journey one embarks on with a ticket and a standardized time-table. Transformation is an expedition into new territory. So, you might consider using some experienced Rogue Monkeys as guides, or even bearers for it. Our deep-listening methods to your stakeholders as well as our agile working methods and many other competences could facilitate your expedition. With a Rogue Monkey in your team, finding your place in the emerging future will be a joyful learning adventure.

Reduce risk, enhance enjoyment - travel in a group.

Wherever you start from and wherever your expedition will take you to, engaging anyone of The Rogue Monkey Alliance, will offer you additional creativity, different perspectives, and the hands-on support from all of us. We offer a broad spectrum of educations, experiences, languages, nationalities and competences. So you can benefit from experience with hundreds of international projects.

Get to know us and learn about our work.

See how you like it.