We about us

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Birgit about Celal

“Whatever the situation - you, Celal, will conquer it with a big smile. You worked as a telekom engineer for big corporations like Turkish Telekom, Alcatel and Siemens in the period of transformation from analog to digital. And yet, your approach to solving challenges is fully people-centred. We know each other well after many years of engagement  for Excellence. Celal and I, Birgit, enjoy a harmonious flow of creative thinking when we work together as Rogue Monkeys - and we both love a good cup of tea in the morning!”

Birgit about Jan Hendrik

“After our first encounter, Jan Hendrik might have asked himself how he deserved to have such a whirlwind on his EFQM assessment team as me, Birgit ?! And quite honestly, I also wondered how the two of us would get along. To cut a long story short: super! And why? Because we both were sensitive to our differences and used them to our advantage. “Physicist meets linguist” became our recipe for success. Looking at things from different perspectives constitutes wise risk management in a time of massive disruption.”

Susanne about Graham

“Graham and I look back on many years of collaborating on EFQM, ISO and related topics. It all started when we were teamed up to support a public sector organization in Bulgaria in 2008. Since then you, Graham, have led EFQM Global Assessment Teams where I was your deputy and we were able to applaud true winners. I always appreciate the professionalism and team spirit - and the good humor - when working with Graham.”

Birgit about Graham and their common history in Buckinghamshire

Birgit about Susanne

“When one of my industry clients needed doubling up the annual leadership training I had developed, I asked you, Susanne, to join as a second trainer. Not only did you fit in like a glove, you enriched my offer for the client with your sustainability expertise and visual recording ability. From then on, whenever there was a need for parallel trainings, Susanne and Birgit teamed up for this client.”

Birgit about Celal

“Whatever the situation - you, Celal, will conquer it with a big smile. You worked as a telekom engineer for big corporations like Turkish Telekom, Alcatel and Siemens in the period of transformation from analog to digital. And yet, your approach to solving challenges is fully people-centred. We know each other well after many years of engagement  for Excellence. Celal and I, Birgit, enjoy a harmonious flow of creative thinking when we work together as Rogue Monkeys - and we both love a good cup of tea in the morning!”

Susanne about Vladimir

“I first encountered you, Vladimir, while I was working on an international Project in the Czech Republic around 2005 or 2006. You were already supporting SMEs in applying the EFQM Model and in continuous improvement. Our paths intersected on the subject of Benchmarking to improve the competitiveness of Czech SMEs. Since then, I (Susanne) have repeatedly experienced your expertise and enthusiasm - in EFQM assessor teams and now in Rogue Monkey Alliance projects.”

Birgit about Gerhard

“ Well, to be quite honest, you Gerhard, earn your money with your statistics expertise, and I, Birgit, had to struggle hard to pass the obligatory statistics course for my business degree in the UK”. I prefer words and images to numbers and have no worries with writing long reports or creating sketches. As EFQM assessors we both kn